Tag Archives: User

Get Number of Active Users In a Permission Set Using SOQL Query

SQOL Query:

SELECT COUNT(AssigneeId) FROM PermissionSetAssignment WHERE Assignee.isActive = true AND PermissionSet.Name = 'My_Sample_PermissionSet'

Note: Change the Permission Set API Name as per your requirement.

Reset User Password in Salesforce Using Apex

In Salesforce there are two methods to set password and to reset password for a user.

resetPassword(Id userId, Boolean sendUserEmail): This method resets the password for the specified user. When the user logs in with the new password, they are prompted to enter a new password, and to select a security question and answer if they haven’t already. If you specify true for sendUserEmail, the user is sent an email notifying them that their password was reset. A link to sign onto Salesforce using the new password is included in the email.

setPassword(Id userId, String password): Sets the password for the specified user. When the user logs in with this password, they are not prompted to create a new password.

Sample Code:

List<User> users = new List<User>();
String username = 'test@test.com';
users = Database.Query('SELECT Id, Name FROM User WHERE UserName  =: username');

for(User u : users){
    //For reset User password
    System.resetPassword(u.Id, true);
    //For set User password
    //System.setPassword(u.Id, 'Test@1234');