Tag Archives: Salesforce.com

Visualforce Page with Pagination

Here is the example of Visualforce Page Pagination on Account object.
Custom Controller: SamplePagingExample.cls

public with sharing class SamplePagingExample{
    public integer PageSize {get;set;}
    public integer PageNumber {get;set;}
    public integer RecordCount {get;set;}
    public SamplePagingExample() {
        PageSize = 10;
        PageNumber = 1;   
        RecordCount = [Select Count() From Account];
    public integer PageIndex {
        get { return (PageNumber - 1); }
    public integer PageCount {
        get { return getPageCount(); }
    public integer Offset {
        get { return (PageSize * PageIndex); }
    public Account[] getAccounts() {
        try {
            Account[] objAccList = [Select Id, Name, Industry, Website, AccountNumber
                                    From Account order by Name 
                                    Limit :PageSize
                                    offset :Offset];
            return objAccList;
        catch (QueryException e) {
            return null;
    public integer LNumber {
        get { return RecordCount == 0 ? 0 : (Offset + 1); }
    public integer UNumber {
        get { 
            integer iUNum = ((LNumber + PageSize) - 1);
            return (iUnum > RecordCount) ? RecordCount : iUNum; 
    public boolean AllowMoveNext {
        get{ return ((PageIndex + 1) < PageCount); } } public boolean AllowMovePrev { get{ return (PageIndex > 0); }
    public void Prev() {
        if (PageNumber <= 0) { PageNumber = 1; } } public void Next() { PageNumber++; if (PageNumber > PageCount) {
            PageNumber = PageCount;
    public void Last() {
        PageNumber = PageCount; 
    public void First() {
        PageNumber = 1;
    private integer getPageCount() {
        integer iPageCount = 1;
        if (RecordCount != 0 && PageSize != 0) {
            iPageCount = (RecordCount/PageSize) + ((Math.mod(RecordCount, PageSize)) > 0 ? 1 : 0);
        return iPageCount;

Visualforce Page: SamplePagingExample.page

<apex:page doctype="html-5.0" title="Sample Visualforce Paging Example" controller="SamplePagingExample" tabstyle="Account" sidebar="false" readonly="true" cache="false">
    <apex:sectionheader title="Account" subtitle="Paging Accounts"></apex:sectionheader>
        <apex:pageblock title="Accounts">
            <apex:pageblocksection columns="1">
                <apex:facet name="body">
                    <apex:outputpanel layout="none">
                        <apex:pageblocktable id="pbAccounts" value="{!Accounts}" var="a">
                                <apex:facet name="header">Account Name</apex:facet> 
                                <apex:outputlink value="/{!a.Id}">{!a.Name}</apex:outputlink>
                            <apex:column value="{!a.AccountNumber}"></apex:column>
                            <apex:column value="{!a.Industry}"></apex:column>
                            <apex:column value="{!a.Website}"></apex:column>
                         <apex:outputpanel layout="block" styleclass="listViewport">

<div class="bottomNav">

<div class="paginator">
                                        <apex:panelgrid id="gridPaging" columns="3" width="100%" columnclasses="left, center, right">
                                                <span class="selectorTarget">
                                                    <strong>{!LNumber}-{!UNumber} of {!RecordCount}</strong>
                                                <span>  </span>
                                                    <strong>Total {!RecordCount} records</strong>
                                                <span>  </span>
                                                <apex:actionstatus id="statusPaging">
                                                    <apex:facet name="start">
                                                        <img src="/img/loading.gif" height="14px" width="14px">
                                                    <apex:facet name="stop">
                                                        <img src="/img/s.gif" height="14px" width="14px">
                                                <span class="prevNextLinks">
                                                    <span class="prevNext">
                                                        <apex:commandlink id="linkMoveFirst" immediate="true" status="statusPaging" action="{!First}" rerender="gridPaging, pbAccounts" rendered="{!allowMovePrev}">
                                                            <img src="/s.gif" title="First" alt="First" class="first">
                                                        <apex:outputpanel layout="none" rendered="{!NOT(allowMovePrev)}">
                                                            <apex:image url="/s.gif" title="First" alt="First" styleclass="firstoff"></apex:image>
                                                    <span class="prevNext">
                                                        <apex:commandlink id="linkMovePrev" immediate="true" title="Previous" status="statusPaging" action="{!Prev}" rerender="gridPaging, pbAccounts" rendered="{!allowMovePrev}">
                                                            <img src="/s.gif" title="Previous" alt="Previous" class="prev">
                                                        <apex:outputpanel layout="none" rendered="{!NOT(allowMovePrev)}">
                                                            <apex:image url="/s.gif" title="Previous" alt="Previous" styleclass="prevoff"></apex:image>
                                                    <span class="prevNext">
                                                        <apex:commandlink id="linkMoveNext" immediate="true" title="Next" status="statusPaging" action="{!Next}" rerender="gridPaging, pbAccounts" rendered="{!allowMoveNext}">
                                                            <img src="/s.gif" title="Next" alt="Next" class="next">
                                                        <apex:outputpanel layout="none" rendered="{!NOT(allowMoveNext)}">
                                                            <apex:image url="/s.gif" title="Next" alt="Next" styleclass="nextoff"></apex:image>
                                                    <span class="prevNext">
                                                        <apex:commandlink id="linkMoveLast" immediate="true" status="statusPaging" action="{!Last}" rerender="gridPaging, pbAccounts" rendered="{!allowMoveNext}">
                                                            <img src="/s.gif" title="Last" alt="Last" class="last">
                                                        <apex:outputpanel layout="none" rendered="{!NOT(allowMoveNext)}">
                                                            <apex:image url="/s.gif" title="Last" alt="Last" styleclass="lastoff"></apex:image>
                                                <span class="selectorTarget">
                                                    <strong> Page {!PageNumber} of {!PageCount}</strong>





How to Lock records using Apex in Salesforce?

Using UPDATE keyword in SOQL helps us to lock the records from being updating from another request.

Sample Code:

Account [] objAccts = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account where Country='India' FOR UPDATE];

Note: We can’t use the ORDER BY keywords in any SOQL query that uses locking.

Difference between Unmanaged Package and Managed Package in Salesforce

Unmanaged Package:

  • Unmanaged packages are typically used to distribute open-source projects or application templates to provide developers with the basic building blocks for an application.
  • Once the components are installed from an unmanaged package, the components can be edited in the organization they are installed in.
  • The developer who created and uploaded the unmanaged package has no control over the installed components, and can’t change or upgrade them.
  • Unmanaged packages should not be used to migrate components from a sandbox to production organization. Instead, use Change Sets.

Managed Package:

  • Managed packages are typically used by Salesforce.com partners to distribute and sell applications to customers.
  • Once the components are installed from a managed package, the components cannot be edited in the organization they are installed in.
  • Managed packages are also fully upgradeable.
  • To ensure seamless upgrades, certain destructive changes, like removing objects or fields, can not be performed.

How to get a RecordType Id by Name without SOQL?

Sometimes in apex we required RecordType Id of an object by its Name. So, here is an example how we can find RecordType Id by Name.

In below example BankAccount__c is the custom object and “Savings Account” is one of the RecordType Name of BankAccount__c object. Now without SOQL I’ve to find “Savings Account” RecordType Id.

String recordTypeName = 'Savings Account';