Salesforce Apex JSON Generator
January 21, 2017 4 Comments on Salesforce Apex JSON Generator
We can generate standard JSON-encoded content, using the JSONGenerator
class methods.
JSONGenerator Class Methods:
Method | Description |
close | Closes the JSON generator.No more content can be written after the JSON generator is closed. |
getAsString | Returns the generated JSON content, and also this method closes the JSON generator if it isn’t closed already. |
isClosed | Returns true if the JSON generator is closed; otherwise, returns false. |
writeBlob | Writes the specified Blob value as a base64-encoded string. |
writeBlobField | Writes a field name and value pair using the specified field name and BLOB value. |
writeBoolean | Writes the specified Boolean value. |
writeBooleanField | Writes a field name and value pair using the specified field name and Boolean value. |
writeDate | Writes the specified date value in the ISO-8601 format. |
writeDateField | Writes a field name and value pair using the specified field name and date value. The date value is written in the ISO-8601 format. |
writeDateTime | Writes the specified date and time value in the ISO-8601 format. |
writeDateTimeField | Writes a field name and value pair using the specified field name and date and time value. The date and time value is written in the ISO-8601 format. |
writeEndArray | Writes the ending marker of a JSON array (‘]’). |
writeEndObject | Writes the ending marker of a JSON object (‘}’). |
writeFieldName | Writes a field name. |
writeId | Writes the specified ID value. |
writeIdField | Writes a field name and value pair using the specified field name and identifier value. |
writeNull | Writes the JSON null literal value |
writeNullField | Writes a field name and value pair using the specified field name and the JSON null literal value. |
writeNumber | Writes the specified decimal, double, integer and long value. |
writeNumberField | Writes a field name and value pair using the specified field name and decimal, double, integer, long value. |
writeObject | Writes the specified Apex object in JSON format |
writeObjectField | Writes a field name and value pair using the specified field name and Apex object. |
writeStartArray | Writes the starting marker of a JSON array (‘[‘). |
writeStartObject | Writes the starting marker of a JSON object (‘{‘). |
writeString | Writes the specified string value. |
writeStringField | Writes a field name and value pair using the specified field name and string value. |
writeTime | Writes the specified time value in the ISO-8601 format. |
writeTimeField | Writes a field name and value pair using the specified field name and time value in the ISO-8601 format. |
List<Account> accList = [SELECT Id, Name, AccountNumber, Industry From Account]; if(!accList.isEmpty()){ JSONGenerator gen = JSON.createGenerator(true); gen.writeStartObject(); gen.writeFieldName('AccountList'); gen.writeStartArray(); for(Account acc :accList){ gen.writeStartObject(); gen.writeStringField('Id', acc.Id); gen.writeStringField('Name', acc.Name); gen.writeStringField('AccountNumber', acc.AccountNumber); gen.writeStringField('Industry', acc.Industry); gen.writeEndObject(); } gen.writeEndArray(); gen.writeEndObject(); String jsonData = gen.getAsString(); System.debug('jsonData-' + jsonData); }
{ "AccountList" : [ { "Id" : "001B000000oAg2fIAC", "Name" : "Bostonic Bulk Company", "AccountNumber" : "232323", "Industry" : "Technology" }, { "Id" : "001B000000oAg4UIAS", "Name" : "Bitrex Bulk Company", "AccountNumber" : "123232", "Industry" : "Technology" }, { "Id" : "001B000000pA7skIAC", "Name" : "Amazon", "AccountNumber" : "12345", "Industry" : "Technology" }, { "Id" : "001B000000pA7sVIAS", "Name" : "Salesforce", "AccountNumber" : "12346", "Industry" : "Technology" } ] }