Convert a 15-character Id to an 18-character Id in a formula field
Using the SUBSTITUTE()
function in formula field we can replace value.
Sample Formula:
SUBSTITUTE(Field__c, '&', 'and')
Here is an example of Star Rating field using Formula in Salesforce. In below example I’m displaying the Star Rating, based on a Student’s grade.
In Student custom object, I have created a Picklist Field.
Label: Grade
Type: Picklist
0 1 2 3 4 5
And then I have created a Formula Field on the same Student object. This is to represent the Star Rating.
Label: Rating
Type: Formula
IMAGE( IF(TEXT(Grade__c) = '0', "/img/samples/stars_000.gif", IF(TEXT(Grade__c) = '1', "/img/samples/stars_100.gif", IF(TEXT(Grade__c) = '2', "/img/samples/stars_200.gif", IF(TEXT(Grade__c) = '3', "/img/samples/stars_300.gif", IF(TEXT(Grade__c) = '4', "/img/samples/stars_400.gif", IF(TEXT(Grade__c) = '5', "/img/samples/stars_500.gif", "/img/samples/stars_000.gif" )))))), 'Rating Level')
Here is an example of Progress Bar field using Formula in Salesforce. In below example I’m displaying the percentage progress bar, based on a Student’s scored out of total marks.
Percentage Formula Field:
IMAGE("/img/samples/color_green.gif","green",10,((Scored__c/Total_Marks__c)*100)) & IMAGE("/img/samples/color_red.gif","red",10, 100 - ((Scored__c/Total_Marks__c)*100)) & " " & TEXT((Scored__c/Total_Marks__c)*100) & "%"
In Salesforce formula field using IMAGE(image_url, alternate_text, height, width)
function, we can insert an image with alternate text and height/width specifications.
In below example, I’ve created a custom field “Priority__c
” in “Case” object with below formula. This formula displays a red, yellow, or green flag image to indicate case priority High, Medium or Low.
Formula Field:
IF(TEXT(Priority) = 'High', IMAGE("/img/samples/color_red.gif", "Red", 10 , 50), IF(TEXT(Priority) = 'Medium', IMAGE("/img/samples/color_yellow.gif", "Yellow", 10, 50), IF(TEXT(Priority) = 'Low', IMAGE("/img/samples/color_green.gif", "Green", 10, 50), NULL)))