Tag Archives: Apex
How to get a RecordType Id by Name without SOQL?
Sometimes in apex we required RecordType Id of an object by its Name. So, here is an example how we can find RecordType Id by Name.
In below example BankAccount__c
is the custom object and “Savings Account” is one of the RecordType Name of BankAccount__c
object. Now without SOQL I’ve to find “Savings Account” RecordType Id.
String recordTypeName = 'Savings Account'; Schema.SObjectType.BankAccount__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get(recordTypeName).getRecordTypeId();
How to get object name from Record Id in Salesforce?
Id myRecordId = 'a0V9000000KWdz3EAD'; String sObjName = myRecordId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName();
Display all the fields of a sObject using Apex & Visualforce Page
Apex Code:
public class DisplayAllFieldsClass { public map<string,schema.sobjectfield> data {get;set;} public DisplayAllFieldsClass (){ data = Schema.SObjectType.BISWAJEET__Student__c.fields.getMap(); } }
Visualforce Page Code:
<apex:page doctype="html-5.0" showheader="false" controller="DisplayAllFieldsClass"> <apex:datatable value="{!data}" var="d"> <apex:column headervalue="Field Name"> {!d} </apex:column> </apex:datatable> </apex:page>
Get All Required Fields of sObject Using Apex in Salesforce
Sample Code:
Here in below code I’m getting all required fields of “Account” object.
Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> mapObj = Schema.getGlobalDescribe(); Schema.SObjectType sObjType = mapObj.get('Account'); Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objDescribe = sObjType.getDescribe(); Map<String,Schema.SObjectField> mapFields = objDescribe.fields.getMap(); List<String> requiredFieldList = new List<String>(); for(String obj : mapFields.keyset()) { Schema.DescribeFieldResult describeField = mapFields.get(obj).getDescribe(); if (describeField.isCreateable() && !describeField.isNillable() && !describeField.isDefaultedOnCreate()) { requiredFieldList.add(obj); System.debug(obj); } }