String defaultLeadStatus = '';
//Get Lead object Status field description
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldDesc = Schema.Lead.Status.getDescribe();
//Loop on Status picklist field values
for (Schema.Picklistentry picklistEntry: fieldDesc.getPicklistValues()) {
//Check if picklist value is default
if (picklistEntry.isDefaultValue()) {
defaultLeadStatus = picklistEntry.getValue();
I had a requirement to restrict multiple approval for a single user to a single record. There were multiple steps of approval process and the approver may be in different queue or as a manager for a user.
So, I implemented it using a trigger. In this article I’ll demonstrate how to implement it.
Here Application__c is the object, on which 3 steps approval process has implemented.
A custom check box field Check_Approver__c has set value to true, in all 3 steps field update action.
In below trigger I filtered the ProcessInstanceStep object records with current user Id in ActorId and the object Id (here object Id means record Id) in ProcessInstance.TargetObjectId.
If an User will approve or reject a record, then the SOQL query will return a single record.
If the SOQL query return a record, then trigger will throw an error message.
Trigger source code:
trigger ApplicationTrigger on Application__c (before Update)
Id currentUserId = UserInfo.getUserId();
for(Application__c sf:{
if(sf.Check_Approver__c == true){
List<processinstancestep> existingApprovals = [SELECT ActorId
FROM ProcessInstanceStep WHERE ProcessInstance.TargetObjectId = :sf.Id
AND (StepStatus = 'Approved' OR StepStatus = 'Rejected')
AND ActorId = :currentUserId];
if(existingApprovals != null){
if(existingApprovals.size() > 0){
sf.addError('You have already approved or rejeted the record.');
Date dt =; //current date
Integer day = dt.Day(); //get day
Integer month = dt.Month(); //get month
Integer year = dt.Year(); //get year
Database.query() allows to make a dynamic SOQL query at runtime. It returns a single sObject when the SOQL query returns a single record and it returns a list of sObjects when the SOQL query returns more than a single record.
We can retrieve up to 50,000 records using Database.query().
In Batch Apex, if we use Database.query(), it supports 50,000 records only.
If VF page doesn’t have read only attribute, use .
Use Database.query() in Visualforce page, if the readOnly attribute is false.
Database.getQueryLocator() returns a Query Locator that runs the selected SOQL query returning list that can be iterated over in batch apex and Visualforce page.
We can retrieve up to 10,000 records.
We can’t use getQueryLocator with any query that contains an aggregate function.
Use Database.getQueryLocator() in Visualforce page, if the readOnly attribute is true.
In Batch Apex, Database.getQueryLocator() supports up to 50 million records.
We can’t use the FOR UPDATE keywords with a getQueryLocator query to lock a set of records, In batch apex the start method automatically locks the set of records in the batch.
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