Tag Archives: Apex

Accessing keys from a map in a SOQL Query

Using .KeySet() on a map, we will get a list of all the keys returned.

Map<Id, Master_Obj__c> masterMap = new Map<Id, Master_Obj__c>([SELECT Id, Name FROM Master_Obj__c]);
List<Detail_Obj__c> objDetailList = [Select Id, Name FROM Detail_Obj__c WHERE Master_Obj__c IN :masterMap.KeySet()]

How to cover pagereference method in test class

For Custom Controller

//Page reference to your VF Page
PageReference pageRef = Page.TestPage;

//Pass necessary parameter

//init controller 
CustomCtrl objCtrl = new CustomCtrl();

//Call pageRef mymethod
PageReference objPageRef = objCtrl.mymethod();

//Put system asserts
System.assertEquals (null,pageRef);

For Standard Controller

//First create record
Account acc = New Account();
acc.Name = 'Test Account';

//Page reference to your VF Page
PageReference pageRef = Page.TestPage;

//Pass necessary parameter

//Pass your object to controller     
ApexPages.StandardController stc = new ApexPages.StandardController(acc);

//Call controller
CustomCtrl objCtrl = new CustomCtrl(stc);

//Call pageRef mymethod
PageReference objPageRef = objCtrl.mymethod();

//Put system asserts
System.assertEquals (null,pageRef);

How to open a new Tab using PageReference in apex class?

We can use apex:commandLink to redirect a visualforce page in a new Tab URL using PageReference in apex class.

Sample Code:

VF Page:

<apex:page controller="SampleleRedirect">
	<apex:form >
		<apex:pageblock >
			<apex:commandlink action="{!redirect}" target="_blank">
				<apex:commandButton value="Open in New Tab"/>

Apex Controller:

public class SampleleRedirect {   

	public SampleleRedirect() {

	public pageReference redirect() {
		PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('http://www.biswajeetsamal.com');
		return pageRef;

Synchronous and Asynchronous call in Salesforce

In Synchronous process the thread waits for the task to be completed and then moves to the next task Sequentially. All the tasks are completed in a single thread.

Controller Extension
Custom Controller

In Asynchronous call, the thread will not wait until it completes its tasks before proceeding to next. In a Asynchronous call, the tasks are run in different threads all together.

@future Annotation