Using lightning:workspaceAPI we can change Tab Label dynamically. Basically this component allows to access methods for programmatically controlling workspace tabs and subtabs in a Lightning console app. Here is an example to change Account record Tab Label “Account Name” to “Account Type” with “Account Name”.
Lightning Component:
<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId" access="global"> <!--Attributes--> <aura:attribute name="accFields" type="Account"/> <!--Component Start--> <!--Lightning Workspace API--> <lightning:workspaceAPI aura:id="workspace"/> <!--Lightning Force Data to get Account record--> <force:recordData aura:id="accRecordData" layoutType="FULL" recordId="{!v.recordId}" targetFields="{!v.accFields}" recordUpdated="{!c.handleRecordUpdate}"/> <!--Component End--> </aura:component>
Lightning JS Controller:
({ handleRecordUpdate: function(component, event, helper) { var accountFields = component.get("v.accFields"); var workspaceAPI = component.find("workspace"); workspaceAPI.getFocusedTabInfo().then(function(response) { var focusedTabId = response.tabId; workspaceAPI.setTabLabel({ tabId: focusedTabId, label: accountFields.Type + ' - ' + accountFields.Name }); }) } })
Add above created lightning component on Account Lightning Record Page.