Sample Query:
SELECT Id, OldValue, NewValue FROM AccountHistory
Sample Code:
public class ContactProcessBuilderHandler {
public static void sendNotification(List<String> contactIds) {
@future //Use callout = true, for callouts
public static void sendEmailToContacts(List<String> contactIds) {
//Write your business logic
String FirstName = UserInfo.getFirstName();//Returns the context user's first name.
System.Debug('FirstName-' + FirstName);
String LastName = UserInfo.getLastName();//Returns the context user's last name.
System.Debug('LastName-' + LastName);
String Name = UserInfo.getName();//Returns the context user's full name.
System.Debug('Name-' + Name);
String UserEmail = UserInfo.getUserEmail();//Returns the current user’s email address.
System.Debug('UserEmail-' + UserEmail);
String UserType = UserInfo.getUserType();//Returns the context user's type.
System.Debug('UserType-' + UserType);
String UserId = UserInfo.getUserId();//Returns the context user's ID.
System.Debug('UserId-' + UserId);
String UserName = UserInfo.getUserName();//Returns the context user's login name.
System.Debug('UserName-' + UserName);
String ProfileId = UserInfo.getProfileId();//Returns the context user's profile ID.
System.Debug('ProfileId-' + ProfileId);
String UserRoleId = UserInfo.getUserRoleId();//Returns the context user's role ID.
System.Debug('UserRoleId-' + UserRoleId);
String SessionId = UserInfo.getSessionId();//Returns the session ID for the current session.
System.Debug('SessionId-' + SessionId);
TimeZone tz = UserInfo.getTimeZone();//Returns the current user’s local time zone.
System.Debug('TimeZone-' + tz);
String DefaultCurrency = UserInfo.getDefaultCurrency();//Returns the context user's default currency code for multiple currency organizations or the organization's currency code for single currency organizations.
System.Debug('DefaultCurrency-' + DefaultCurrency);
String Language = UserInfo.getLanguage();//Returns the context user's language.
System.Debug('Language-' + Language);
String Locale = UserInfo.getLocale();//Returns the context user's locale.
System.Debug('Locale-' + Locale);
String OrganizationId = UserInfo.getOrganizationId();//Returns the context organization's ID.
System.Debug('OrganizationId-' + OrganizationId);
String OrganizationName = UserInfo.getOrganizationName();//Returns the context organization's company name.
System.Debug('OrganizationName-' + OrganizationName);
Ternary Operator : (x ? y : z)
Ternary operator is a one liner replacement for if-then-else statement. If x, a Boolean, is true, y is the result. Otherwise z is the result. Note that x cannot be null.
Boolean isLeapYear = true;
//Using Ternary Operator
String msg = isLeapYear ? 'It is a leap year.' : 'It is not a leap year.';
System.debug('Message - ' + msg);
If “isLeapYear” is true, assign the message value to “It is a leap year”, else assign message value to “It is not a leap year”.
Sample Code:
REGEX(Invite_Participants__c, "([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z]+.[a-zA-Z,]{2,4})*")
RIGHT(Invite_Participants__c, 1 ) = ","