Public with sharing class Sample{ Public List<string> CusrrentUserRole{get;set;} Public List<String> RolesInHierarchy{get;set;} Public Sample(){ CusrrentUserRole = New List<string>(); CusrrentUserRole.add([SELECT UserRoleId FROM User Where Id =:UserInfo.getUserId() LIMIT 1].UserRoleId); } Public Void getRollInHierarchy(){ RolesInHierarchy = New List<Id>(); RolesInHierarchy = getAllRoleInHierarchy(CusrrentUserRole); } Public List<string> getAllRoleInHierarchy (List<Id> UserRole) { List<string> currentRoleIds = new List<string>(); for(UserRole userRoleName :[SELECT Id,name FROM UserRole Where ParentRoleId = :UserRole AND ParentRoleID != null]){ currentRoleIds.add(; } if(currentRoleIds.size() > 0) { currentRoleIds.addAll(getAllRoleInHierarchy(currentRoleIds)); } List<String> RoleList = New List<String>(); for(UserRole r:[SELECT Name From UserRole Where Id In:currentRoleIds]){ RoleList.add(; } return RoleList; } }
Visualforce Page:
<apex:page controller="Sample"> <apex:form> <apex:pageBlock> <apex:commandButton value="Show Roles below my Hierarchy" action="{!getRollInHierarchy}"/> </apex:pageBlock> <apex:pageBlock > <b> Role below in Hierarchy are : </b>{!RolesInHierarchy} </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>