Here in below example the trigger is on “Account” object, to check duplicate Account Names.
Apex Trigger:
trigger accountDuplicateCheck on Account (before Insert, before Update) { Map<String, Account> accMap = new Map<String, Account>(); for (Account acc : { //Make sure we don't treat account Name that isn't changing during an update as a duplicate. if (System.Trigger.isInsert || (acc.Name != System.Trigger.oldMap.get(acc.Id).Name)) { //Make sure another new account isn't also a duplicate if (accMap.containsKey(acc.Name)) { acc.Name.addError('Another account has the ' + acc.Name + ' same name.'); } else { accMap.put(acc.Name, acc); } } } //Query to find all the Accounts in the database that have the same name as any of the Accounts being inserted or updated. for (Account acc : [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Name IN :accMap.KeySet()]) { Account newAcc = accMap.get(acc.Name); newAcc.Name.addError('An account with this name ' + acc.Name + ' already exists.'); } }