Tag Archives: SFDC

Difference between Standard Controller and Custom Controller?

Standard Controller:

  • Standard controller in apex, inherits all the standard object properties and standard button functionality directly.
  • It contain the same functionality and logic that are used for standard Salesforce pages.
  • It Can be used with standard objects and custom objects.
  • It can be extended to implement custom functionality using extensions keyword.
  • It provides a save method to allow you to persist changes.
  • You’d use this when you have a singe object to manipulate.

Custom Controller:

  • It is an Apex class that implements all of the logic for a page without leveraging a standard controller.
  • Custom Controllers are associated with Visualforce pages through the controller attribute.
  • Custom controller defines its own functionality.
  • Use custom controllers when you want your Visualforce page to run entirely in system mode, which does not enforce the permissions and field-level security of the current user.
  • You’d use this when your page isn’t dealing with a main object.

Action Poller in Visualforce Page

Action poller acts as a timer in visualforce page. It sends an AJAX request to the server according to a time interval (time interval has to be specified or else it defaults to 60 seconds). Each request can result in a full or partial page update.
In this article I will demonstrate how to use actionpoller in visualforce page.

  • In the action attribute a controller method gets called. The method gets called with a frequency defined by the interval attribute which has to be greater than or equal to 5 seconds.
  • Time out can also be specified as an attribute in actionpoller. Once the time out point is reached it stops making AJAX callout to the server and controller method is no more called.

Create Apex class with following code:

Public with sharing class TestActionPoller
    Public  Integer Total{get;set;}
    Public TestActionPoller()
        Total = 0;
    Public void CountMethod()

Now create the Visualforce page:

<apex:page controller="TestActionPoller">
<apex:outputtext id="idCount" value="Increase in every 5 seconds: {!Total}">
<apex:actionpoller action="{!CountMethod}" interval="5" rerender="idCount">

In above visualforce page Action poller calls the method “CountMethod” every 5 seconds where the variable “Total” is updated. Rerender attribute refreshes the page block hence showing the updated value of variable “Total”.


How to Use Action Function in Visualforce Page?

ActionFunction is used to execute a method in your Apex Class from your Visualforce Page asynchronously via AJAX requests. Its easy to call a controller method using attribute action="{!YourMethodeName}". An component must be a child of an component. In this article I will demonstrate, how to use actionfunction in visualforce page.

Note: Beginning with API version 23 you can’t place apex:actionFunction inside an iteration component — apex:pageBlockTable, apex:repeat, and so on. Put the apex:actionFunction after the iteration component, and inside the iteration put a normal JavaScript function that calls it.

public with sharing class ActionFunctionTest
      public String ReturnValue {get;set;}
      public String FirstName {get;set;}
      public String LastName {get;set;}
      public void Result()
          ReturnValue = 'My name is : ' + FirstName +' '+ LastName ;

In above class, the variables “FirstName” and “LastName” are the parameters supplied by the javascript and variable “ReturnValue” will display the result.

<apex:page controller="ActionFunctionTest">
<apex:form id="TestFrm">
First Name : 
<apex:inputtext id="txtFirstName" required="true">
Last Name : 
<apex:inputtext id="txtLastName" required="true">
<span class="btn" onclick="return GetMyName()"> Get My Name </span>
<apex:outputpanel id="resultPanel">
<apex:actionstatus id="TestStatus" starttext="Processing..." stoptext="">
<b><apex:outputlabel value="{!ReturnValue}"></apex:outputlabel></b>
<apex:actionfunction action="{!Result}" name="TestAF" rerender="resultPanel" status="TestStatus">
<apex:param assignto="{!FirstName}" name="FirstParameter" value=""/>
<apex:param assignto="{!LastName}" name="SecondParameter" value=""/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function GetMyName()
var FirstNameValue = document.getElementById("{!$Component.TestFrm.txtFirstName}").value;
var LastNameValue = document.getElementById("{!$Component.TestFrm.txtLastName}").value;
if(FirstNameValue == '' || LastNameValue == '')
alert('Please enter your first name and last name');
return false;
TestAF(FirstNameValue ,LastNameValue );
return true;

The below code is used to define the “actionFunction” in visual force page. To send the parameter, we have to use “apex:param” tag. Attribute “assignTo” will assign the parameter to variable name specified in Apex code. Here we have assigned the value to variable “FirstName” and “LastName”.

<apex:actionfunction action="{!Result}" name="TestAF" rerender="resultPanel" status="TestStatus">
<apex:param assignto="{!FirstName}" name="FirstParameter" value="">
<apex:param assignto="{!LastName}" name="SecondParameter" value="">

The resulting JavaScript function created by the visualforce will be “TestAF” because we have set that name for the “apex:actionFunction”. Actionfunction’s attribute “action” will call the method “Result” which is specified in Apex class “ActionFunctionTest” and “status” will show the Ajax request status. Below JavaScript method is used to call the generated method by “apex:actionFunction”.

<script type="text/javascript">
  function GetMyName()
   var FirstNameValue = document.getElementById("{!$Component.TestFrm.txtFirstName}").value;
   var LastNameValue = document.getElementById("{!$Component.TestFrm.txtLastName}").value;
   if(FirstNameValue == '' || LastNameValue == '')
    alert('Please enter your first name and last name');
    return false;
   TestAF(FirstNameValue ,LastNameValue );
   return true;





Links in Visualforce Page pageblocktables

<apex:pageblocktable value="{!FindContact}" var="item">
<apex:column headervalue="Name">
<apex:outputlink value="/{!item.id}">
<apex:outputtext value="{!item.Name}"></apex:outputtext>
<apex:column headervalue="Email" value="{!item.Email}"></apex:column>
<apex:column headervalue="Phone" value="{!item.Phone}"></apex:column>
<apex:column headervalue="Birthdate" value="{!item.Birthdate}"></apex:column>

Shortcut to a List View in Salesforce

Here is a quick way to get to a list view without having to go looking for the tab or in the case that you don’t have a tab you can use this trick to get to a list view screen.

Here is one record of Account object is “Cadinal Inc”, and I want to go to the Account List View.

Once you’re on the record, trim off everything after the first three characters after the first slash.

My full URL is https://biswajeet-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com/0019000001EJPPH. I’m going to trim off the 9000001EJPPH and be left with https://biswajeet-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com/001. Once down run that link and you will go to the list view page for that object.

This will work with all standard and custom objects.