Tag Archives: SFDC

Apex Message in Visualforce Pages

Apex Messages in Salesforce are used for displaying messages such as a warning or an error in visualforce page. In this article I’ll demonstrate how to use different types of messaging options in VisualForce page.
Apex message severities are:

  • INFO


Visualforce Page:

<apex:page controller="SuccessMessage"> 

Apex Class:

public class SuccessMessage
   public SuccessMessage()
      ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.Confirm, 'This is a success message'));




Visulaforce Page:

<apex:page controller="ErrorMessages"> 

Apex Class:

public class ErrorMessages
   public ErrorMessages()
     ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.Error, 'This is an error message'));




Visualforce Page:

<apex:page controller="WarningMessage"> 

Apex Class:

public class WarningMessage
   public WarningMessage()
      ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.Warning, 'This is a warning message'));




Visualforce Page:

<apex:page controller="InfoMessage"> 

Apex Class:

public class InfoMessage
   public InfoMessage()
      ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.Info, 'This is an informational message'));


How to disable right click on visualforce page?

Sometimes we need to disable right click on visualforce page. Here in this article i will demonstrate how to disable right click on visualforce page using javascript.

Let’s take a simple example:
The below visualforce page is a simple entry page of “Student” custom object. Here the javascript method “RightClickDisabled”, disabled right click in form onmousedown event.

<apex:page standardcontroller="Student__c">
      function RightClickDisabled(event){    
        if (event.button==2)
            alert("Right click is not allowed");       
  <apex:form onmousedown="RightClickDisabled(event)">
      <apex:pageblock title="Create Student">
              <apex:commandbutton action="{!save}" value="Save">
          <apex:pageblocksection columns="1">
              <apex:inputfield value="{!Student__c.First_Name__c}">
              <apex:inputfield value="{!Student__c.Last_Name__c}">
              <apex:inputfield value="{!Student__c.Date_of_Birth__c}">
              <apex:inputfield value="{!Student__c.Address__c}">              


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How to restrict double click on visualforce page command button?

It is so important to restrict double click on visualforce page command button. For example – In an visualforce page, there are some input fields and “Save” button. When user will click on “Save” button, record will insert in to the object. If user will double click that “Save” button at same time, then records will be create twice. In this article I will demonstrate, how to achieve this functionality.
Let’s take a simple example:

Visualforce Page:

<apex:page doctype="html-5.0" standardcontroller="Account">
        <apex:pagemessages id="messages"></apex:pagemessages>
        <apex:pageblock title="Restrict Doublle Click">
            <apex:pageblockbuttons location="both">
                <apex:actionstatus id="idActionStatus">
                        <apex:facet name="stop">                  
                            <apex:commandbutton action="{!Save}" disabled="false" rerender="idActionStatus" status="idActionStatus" value="Save">
                        <apex:facet name="start">
                           <apex:commandbutton disabled="true" status="idActionStatus" value="Saving...">
            <apex:pageblocksection collapsible="false" title="Create Account">
                <apex:inputfield required="true" value="{!Account.Name}">
                  <apex:inputfield required="true" value="{!Account.AccountNumber}">


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How to create password field in visualforce page?

To create a password field in visualforce page, you can use inputsecret. InputSecret is an HTML input element of type password.
Let’s take an example:
In below visualforce page there are two input fields Name & Account Number of Account object. Here Account number is in inputsecret. The inputsecret filed of Account Number will act like a password field.

<apex:page doctype="html-5.0" standardcontroller="Account">
        <apex:pageblock mode="edit" title="Test Input Secret">
                <apex:commandbutton action="{!save}" value="Save">
            <apex:pageblocksection columns="1" title="Create Account">
                <apex:inputfield required="true" value="{!account.name}">
               <apex:inputsecret required="true" value="{!account.accountNumber}">


How to use Regex using apex in Salesforce?

Regular expressions (REGEX) is a string that is used to match another string, using a specific syntax. Apex provides patterns and matchers that enable you to search text using regular expressions.

Pattern Class: A pattern is a compiled representation of a regular expression. Patterns are used by matchers to perform match operations on a character string.

Matcher Class: It allows to do further actions such as checking to see if the string matched the pattern or allows to manipulate the original string in various ways and produce a new desired one.

Let’s take one simple example:

public Boolean ValidateEmail(String emailId) 
    Boolean result = false;
    String emailRegex = '^[a-zA-Z0-9._|\\\\%#~`=?&/$^*!}{+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$';
    Pattern EmailPattern = Pattern.compile(emailRegex);
    Matcher EmailMatcher = EmailPattern.matcher(emailId);
        result = true;
    return result;

In above example ValidateEmail is a method with emailId parameter. In ValidateEmail method there is a string variable, which contains email validation regex. Then I create matching pattern by using the pattern class with emailRegex variable. Then I do match it against the emailId. After that I do check emailId variable is in valid email format.