Tag Archives: Lightning

Auto Close Salesforce Ligthning QuickAction Modal

Lightning Component:

<aura:component implements="force:lightningQuickActionWithoutHeader">
    <aura:html tag="style">
        .cuf-content {
        padding: 0 0rem !important;
        .slds-p-around--medium {
        padding: 0rem !important;
        overflow-y:hidden !important;
        height:unset !important;
        max-height:unset !important;
    <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}" />
    <aura:handler event="aura:doneRendering" action="{!c.doneRendering}"/>
    <!--Component Start-->
    <div class="slds-m-around--xx-large">
        <div class="slds-text-heading_medium slds-align_absolute-center">
    <!--Component End-->

Lightning JS Controller:

    doInit : function(component, event, helper) {
        //Write your code to execute, before close the quick action modal
    doneRendering: function(cmp, event, helper) {

Password Strength Check in Lightning Component

Lightning Component:

<aura:component implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global" >
    <!--Declare Attributes-->
    <aura:attribute name="password" type="String"/>
    <aura:attribute name="passwordStrength" type="String" default="Very Weak"/>
    <!--Component Start-->
    <div class="slds-m-around--xx-large">
        <div class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">Password Strength Check</div>
        <lightning:input name="password" label="Password" value="{!v.password}" onchange="{!c.checkPasswordStrength}" type="password"/>
        <lightning:badge label="{!v.passwordStrength}" aura:id="psBadge" class="slds-theme--error" />
    <!--Component End-->

Lightning JS Controller:

    checkPasswordStrength : function(component, helper) {
        //Get password
        var password = component.get("v.password");
        //Password strength
        let strength = {
            1: 'Very Weak',
            2: 'Weak',
            3: 'Medium',
            4: 'Strong',
            5: 'Very Strong'
        //Password Strength Check
        let strengthValue = {
            'caps': false,
            'length': false,
            'special': false,
            'numbers': false,
            'small': false
        //Password strength styles
        let passwordStrengthStyle = {
            0: 'slds-theme--error',
            1: 'slds-theme--error',
            2: 'slds-theme--warning',
            3: 'slds-theme--info',
            4: 'slds-theme--alt-inverse',
            5: 'slds-theme--success'
        //Check Password Length
        if(password.length >= 8) {
            strengthValue.length = true;
        //Calculate Password Strength
        for(let index=0; index < password.length; index++) {
            let char = password.charCodeAt(index);
            if(!strengthValue.caps && char >= 65 && char <= 90) {
                strengthValue.caps = true;
            } else if(!strengthValue.numbers && char >=48 && char <= 57){
                strengthValue.numbers = true;
            } else if(!strengthValue.small && char >=97 && char <= 122){
                strengthValue.small = true;
            } else if(!strengthValue.numbers && char >=48 && char <= 57){
                strengthValue.numbers = true;
            } else if(!strengthValue.special && (char >=33 && char <= 47) || (char >=58 && char <= 64)) {
                strengthValue.special = true;
        let strengthIndicator = 0;
        for(let metric in strengthValue) {
            if(strengthValue[metric] === true) {
        //get badge
        var psBadge = component.find('psBadge');
        //Remove style
        for(let strengthStyle in passwordStrengthStyle) {
            $A.util.removeClass(psBadge, passwordStrengthStyle[strengthStyle]);
        //Add style
        $A.util.addClass(psBadge, passwordStrengthStyle[strengthIndicator]);
        //set password strength
        component.set("v.passwordStrength", strength[strengthIndicator]);


Override Standard Buttons in Salesforce Lightning Experience

Using lightning:actionOverride in lightning component you can override standard buttons in Salesforce Lightning Experience.

Sample Code:

<aura:component implements="lightning:actionOverride" access="global">
    <!--Component Start-->
    <div class="slds-m-around--xx-large">
        Standard button override demo
    <!--Component End-->

Get Available Lightning Components In Your Org

  1. To get all available lightning components in your org, My Domain should be enabled in your Org.
  2. Log in to your org.
  3. Add componentReference/suite.app in your org domain URL.
  4. It should look like this :  https://yourorgdomain.lightning.force.com/lightning.force.com/componentReference/suite.app
  5. It will open Salesforce Lightning Component Library.
  6. Here you can see all the available components of your Org along with Salesforce Lightning Component examples.

Lightning Formatted URL

A lightning:formattedUrl component displays a read-only representation of a URL as a hyperlink with an href attribute. The link can be a relative or absolute URL.


    <lightning:formattedUrl value="https://www.google.com" tooltip="Google" label="Click to Open" target="_blank" />
