Formula Field to Find Time Zone From State Field in Salesforce

IF(CASE(BillingState, 'CA', 1, 'NV', 1,'OR', 1, 'WA', 1, 0) >=1, "Pacific Standard Time", null)+ 
IF(CASE(BillingState, 'AZ', 1, 'CO', 1,'ID', 1, 'MT', 1, 'NM', 1, 'UT', 1, 'WY', 1, 0) >= 1, "Mountain Standard Time", null)+ 
IF(CASE(BillingState, 'AL', 1, 'AR', 1, 'IL', 1, 'IA', 1,'KS', 1, 'LA', 1,'MN', 1,'MS', 1,'MO', 1,'NE', 1,'ND', 1, 'OK', 1,'SD', 1,'WI', 1, 0) >= 1, "Central Standard Time", null)+ 
IF(CASE(BillingState, 'CT', 1, 'DE', 1, 'GA', 1, 'ME', 1, 'MD', 1, 'MA', 1,'MI', 1, 'NH', 1, 'NJ', 1, 'NY', 1, 'NC', 1, 'OH', 1, 'PA', 1, 'RI', 1, 'SC', 1, 'VT', 1, 'VA', 1, 'WV', 1, 0) >= 1,"Eastern Standard Time", null)+ 
IF(CASE(BillingState, 'AK', 1, 0) >=1, "Alaskan Standard Time", null)+ 
IF(CASE(BillingState, 'HI', 1, 0) >=1, "Hawaiian Standard Time", null)+ 
IF(BillingState = 'FL', IF(MID(Phone,2,3) = "850","Central Standard Time","Eastern Standard Time"),null)+ 
IF(BillingState = 'IN', IF(MID(Phone,2,3) = "219","Central Standard Time","Eastern Standard Time"),null)+ 
IF(BillingState = 'KY', IF(MID(Phone,2,3) = "270","Central Standard Time","Eastern Standard Time"),null)+ 
IF(BillingState = 'TX', IF(MID(Phone,2,3) = "915","Mountain Standard Time","Central Standard Time"),null)+ 
IF(BillingState = 'TN', IF(CASE(MID(Phone,2,3),"865",1,"423",1,0)>=1,"Eastern Standard Time", "Central Standard Time"),null)

This organization isn’t authorized to upload change sets to other organizations

This organization isn’t authorized to upload change sets to other organizations. For authorization, contact the deployment connections administrators on the organizations where you want to upload changes.

This error is coming, just because of deployment settings. Seems like you have not created deployment connection between your source org and destination org.

To create deployment connection log into the destination org and follow below steps.

Setup -> Deploy -> Deployment Setting -> Select source sandbox from the available list of sandboxes – Edit -> Check allow inbound change sets check box and save.

What is the System.runAs() Method in Salesforce Apex Class?

Generally, all Apex code runs in system mode, where the permissions and record sharing of the current user are not taken into account. The system method runAs enables you to write test methods that change the user context to an existing user or a new user so that the user’s record sharing is enforced. The runAs method doesn’t enforce user permissions or field-level permissions, only record sharing.

Note: We can use runAs only in test methods. The original system context is started again after all runAs test methods complete. The runAs method ignores user license limits. We can create new users with runAs even if your organization has no additional user licenses.

The following items use the permissions granted by the user specified with runAs running as a specific user:

  • dynamic Apex
  • methods using with sharing or without sharing
  • shared records


In the following example, a new test user is created, then code is run as that user, with that user’s record sharing access:

private class TestRunAs {
   public static testMethod void testRunAs() {
      // Setup test data
      // This code runs as the system user
      Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='Standard Test User']; 
      User u = new User(Alias = 'standt', Email='', 
      EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', LastName='TestUser', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US', 
      LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId = p.Id, 
      TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='');

      System.runAs(u) {
         // The following code runs as user 'u' 
         System.debug('Current User: ' + UserInfo.getUserName());
         System.debug('Current Profile: ' + UserInfo.getProfileId()); 

Difference between Insert and Database.Insert in Salesforce


  • Partial insert is not supported.
  • Roll back is not supported.
  • If we use the DML statement (Insert) in bulk operation, then if error occurs the execution will stop. In that case Apex code throws an error and none of the record will insert to the database.


  • Database methods are static methods available in Database class.
  • Partial insert is supported.
  • Roll back is supported.
  • Includes the optional allorNone parameters that defaults true.
  • If we use DML database methods (Database.Insert) in bulk operation, then if error occurs the remaining records will be inserted/updated means partial DML operation will be done. The only record throwing an error will not be inserted/updated.

Example: If we are inserting 10 records in an object, Where 5 records are correct and remaining 5 records are incorrect.

  • In DML statement (Insert) all the 10 records will be failed, because if one record is incorrect or error means all other remaining records will not be inserted. It will throw error.
  • In Database.insert 5 records will be inserted, remaining 5 records will be failed.(i.e. Partial DML Operation).